Your Immigration Attorney

Serving all of Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties

Su Abogada de Inmigración

Magnolia Zárraga

Conozca a la Abogada de Inmigración Magnolia Zárraga

Magnolia Zárraga es una abogada de inmigración localizada en Salinas California, ella es dedicada a su trabajo y le apasiona servir a la comunidad. Nació y creció en Salinas. La Abogada Magnolia es bilingüe en inglés y en español y habla un poco de Zapoteco tambien La Abogada Magnolia tiene fuertes raíces en la comunidad de la Costa Central, conoce las experiencias de inmigrantes ya que su familia emigro de México a los Estados Unidos en busca de una mejor vida. Con un enfoque en peticiones familiares e inmigración humanitaria, el compromiso de la Abogada Magnolia a la justicia social y a su comunidad es evidente por las múltiples actividades voluntarias de trabajo que hace y su deseo e impulso de proveer representación legal de óptima calidad a su comunidad.

Years of Experience
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Our Services

Consultation with Magnolia Zárraga

Complex Requests for Evidence, NOIDs, & Appeals

Attorney Magnolia Zárraga has an extensive record of achieving success on complex Requests for Evidence, NOIDs & appeals.  Don’t delay, there are important deadlines that can’t be missed, schedule a consultation today with Attorney Zárraga & put her experience, knowledge & determination to work for you.   

crime victim support & legal guidance

Immigration Options for Crime Victims

Whether you’re seeking a U-visa because you were the victim of a violent crime, or you are navigating the complexities of domestic violence in your immigration case, you will find the compassionate, experienced legal representation you need with Attorney Magnolia Zárraga. 

U.S. Citizenship

U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization

There are many valuable benefits of US Citizenship, from gaining the right to vote securing your family’s future, running for elected office, accessing full government benefits, to the freedom to travel the world, discover the invaluable benefits that await you as a US Citizen.

What Our Clients are Saying

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Informing & Empowering Our Community

Attorney Magnolia Zarraga takes pride in making a positive impact on the community by informing immigrants about their rights & empowering them to exercise those rights. Attorney Magnolia Zárraga offers valuable immigration insights to the community.  Invite Attorney Magnolia Zárraga to speak at your next event. Presentations are offered in both English and Spanish, and are free of charge as a community service.

Call to Have Attorney Zárraga Present to Your Group or Organization

